Music Performance

Adult Music Groups: Examples, How To Join, and More

Want to reignite your passion for music, foster new connections, and improve your music skills? Adult music groups may be precisely what you need. 

Whether you're returning to the music scene after a long hiatus, want to take up a new musical instrument, or simply want a group to listen to music with, there's bound to be something for you. Adult music groups cater to different types of music lovers with varying interests, goals, and skill levels. All you need to do is leverage your music community, either online or in-person, to find your crowd. 

Here, we delve into adult music groups, providing some examples of groups you can join and tips to guide you. 

What are adult music groups?

Adult music groups are communities of adult music lovers who make or perform music together. They include jam bands, community choirs, jazz groups, chamber orchestras, etc. Each music group varies in structure, size, musical genres, interests, and skill levels. 

For example, chamber ensembles tend to have a more formal structure, guided by rules, expectations, and a specific music genre (often classical music), while jam bands are more informal and flexible. Further, chamber music groups require a higher skill level than local jam bands.

These differences work in your favor, as they mean you don't have to settle for a group that doesn't align with your interests and needs. If you're more interested in enjoying the social benefits of music than actually performing in structured environments, you don't have to join a chamber ensemble — you can look for a local jam band focused on social interaction and just enjoying music, without any form of performance pressure. 

Benefits of joining an adult music group

“Busy” has become a lifestyle, with as many as 60% of Americans reporting they don't feel they have enough time to complete their tasks. So, why should you go out of your way to join a music group? Well, music impacts our lives positively by enabling self-expression and self-discovery, improving emotional well-being, and more. By joining a music group, you get to enjoy additional benefits like:

Improved musical skills

Learning music on your own can help you progress in your musical journey. However, there may come a point when you feel stagnant since there's no new input. 

Joining a music group can help you move forward, as you'll likely learn new techniques from fellow group members. It can also help you sharpen musical abilities like ensemble playing and improvisation, as well as promote better ear training, as you must listen for all musical nuances to keep up with other players. Ultimately, you may develop better music listening and playing skills. 

Expanded social circle

A music group is a great place to meet new people and make friends. Joining one can help you expand your social circle and grow your music community. The best part is that you don't have to scramble for what to say or struggle to keep up with conversations, as you already have a common interest: music. You can bond over your shared love for the art and what you're about to create together, allowing for long-lasting relationships. 

More opportunities to engage in music

Being part of a band is an all-encompassing experience. You get to improve your musical skills and access more performance opportunities, as well as have more fun than you would on your own. 

Chances are, you'll not only be sharpening your technical skills during rehearsals and team meetings. You'll also explore new music, participate in musical games with your friends, attend social events, and experience informal jam sessions. While these activities may be geared toward helping you improve your musicianship, they also let you experience the joys of music and being in a group. 

Examples of the types of adult music groups you could join

Convinced of the value of adult music groups? Here are some types of groups you can join:

Jazz bands

If you're interested in exploring an improvisational style of music and embracing your creative side, a jazz band is a worthwhile option. Jazz musicians typically go for a more fluid musical experience and, as such, are more laid back than other types of artists.

Like other bands, jazz groups come in different sizes, ranging from duets to full-blown orchestras. They typically use the double bass, keyboard instruments like organs and pianos, woodwind instruments like saxophones and clarinets, and percussion instruments like drums. 

A traditional jazz ensemble setup puts trumpets in the back, trombones in the middle, saxophones in the front, and the rhythm section (piano, drum, bass, and guitar) to the side. 

Community choirs

A community choir is an inclusive group of music lovers. While making music is a core function, it isn't the only primary goal. Often, the priority is to create a sense of belonging for members of a community, have fun while making music, and find opportunities for musicians to grow their skills. 

Most community choirs don't have barriers to entry. In fact, some don't even hold auditions, as they welcome members of all skill levels. If you're just getting started with music or your primary goal is to socialize, this may be a good fit for you. 

Chamber orchestras

Chamber ensembles are groups that play chamber music, a form of classical music that uses a small group of instruments. They are smaller than orchestras, often containing two to 12 members, each playing a distinct part of a composition. Orchestra groups have more members, sometimes 100 or more. They also have multiple instruments playing simultaneously, which isn't the case for chamber ensembles. 

A chamber orchestra's repertoire may include pieces like Tchaikovsky's String Quartet No. 1, Bach's Canonic Trio Sonata in F Major for oboe, violin, and basso continuo, and Debussy's Sonata for flute, viola, and harp. 

Online music communities

With the evolution of technology, you don't have to meet other music enthusiasts in person to enjoy and explore music. You can join online music communities like Trala and have a great musical experience, all from the comfort of your home. 

With Trala, you not only have access to lessons from world-class violin instructors but also to a diverse community of adult students with whom you can interact and collaborate on musical projects. You can chat on Discord, attend social events, and perform recitals on livestream. 

Local jam bands

A jam band is a musical group whose primary focus is jamming. It's formed when local musicians or music enthusiasts come together to simply enjoy music and play improvised pieces without the pressure of really producing anything. 

Jam band members typically perform cover songs but can also produce original music, depending on members' goals. If you're looking for a group that mainly focuses on letting the music flow with minimal rules or expectations, a jam band may be right up your alley. 

Music lessons and courses

Music programs do more than just help you broaden your skills. If you enroll in both private lessons and group classes, you can meet other people and collaborate as you learn. 

Trala's courses allow you to do just that. You receive professional instruction from world-class teachers, and depending on your course, you get to perform in an ensemble with other students to showcase your skills. 

How to join an adult music group as a beginner

Joining the right music group can help you develop a greater appreciation for music, improve your skills, and create long-lasting bonds. How exactly do you join a group? Read on to find out:

Find the right group for you

Choose a group that matches your skill level and interests to ensure a long-term partnership. Consider everything from a potential group's preferred music genre to expectations and goals when deciding whether to join. You want a group that aligns with you in almost all aspects. For example, if your preferred music genre is rock and you're looking for a group that doesn't require too much commitment, a rock band that focuses primarily on jamming may be ideal. 

To determine whether a potential group is right for you, speak with current members to understand what they do and what they hope to create. Alternatively, you can attend its performances or even join in on trial sessions to observe members in their element and experience the group firsthand. 

Ask questions first

Asking questions will help you learn more about your potential group and their expectations of you. So, it can prevent you from joining the wrong one. Some questions to ask include:

  • How much is the membership fee?
  • How often do you meet for rehearsals? 
  • What are your expectations from each group member? 
  • What is your creative process like? 
  • What are your goals for the group?

If you choose to attend an adult music program, ask about its charges, whether one can schedule both group and individual lessons, and whether you can interact directly with other students. 

Understand the expectations

Ask about your potential group's expectations to ensure you can meet them without conflicts and to help you transition smoothly into the group dynamic. Some of the expectations you should take time to understand include:

  • Practice commitment: This helps you plan your schedule accordingly. 
  • Performance schedule: This can also allow you to plan your schedule. 
  • Skill level: This helps you determine if you're a good fit for the group. 
  • Financial obligations: Understanding financial expectations enables you to budget effectively. 

Join with an open mind

While it's great to take time to learn everything about a group, the truth is, you'll likely encounter some surprises down the road — group members may have varying musical styles, you may encounter musicians who are more skilled than you, and group dynamics may change. 

So, join your preferred music group with an open mind. Embrace new musical styles, learn from experienced players, and accept positive criticism. Doing so can help you grow and enhance your interactions with group members. 

Of course, this isn't to say you should be open to everything. If something doesn't sit right with you, don't compromise or strain yourself just to be part of the group. For example, if meeting the group's expected time commitment becomes a burden and clashes with personal obligations, it may be better to find a group that aligns better with your schedule — overcommitting yourself can harm the group and cause burnout and dissatisfaction. 

Make the most out of your musical experiences with Trala

Joining a music group can help you improve your skills, enable you to make social connections, open you up to more performance opportunities, and elevate your overall musical experience. Depending on your preferences, you can choose groups such as community choirs, chamber ensembles, jazz bands, and music classes. 

If you want to broaden your music knowledge and engage with fellow music lovers, Trala can help. By enrolling for music lessons, you get access to professional music instructors ready to guide you on your journey and a community of fellow learners who can help you sharpen your musical abilities by providing ensemble opportunities and sharing valuable tips. 

Start Trala lessons today to take the first step toward becoming part of a group focused on enhancing your musical experiences!

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